Health Karma Case Study
A dashboard where families can manage all their healthcare needs in one place.
Project Overview
Tools: Sketch, Pen and Paper, Figma
Project Type: Design Sprint
Timeline: 1 week
Client: HealthKarma
Legal guardians are too busy to keep track of appointments.
Legal guardians will forget and neglect healthcare needs because of dependents.
Guardians would appreciate something like this.
How Might We Question:
How might we allow users to manage multiple aspects of healthcare in a single space for both them and their families.
Interviews Criteria
30+ years old
Responsible for multiple family members
Ideally part of the LGBTQ Community
Task Flow to follow: As Barbara, we’re clicking into Jaime’s page which has a notification to schedule his next vaccine appointment. So when prompted, the user will schedule the next appointment for Tuesday, March 23rd at 10:00am.
User Testing Findings and Iterations
Customizable widgets - Users responded well to the personalization aspect of the design, and wanted to see more of that.
File Folder Design - Users liked the familiarity with the folder design. Users had a good reaction.
Outstanding Balance - Most users pointed out this is of the most importance to them.
Next Steps
More User Testing - Test The hi-fi version of this prototype with users for changes, updates, and reassurance.
New Task Flows - Incorporate more task flows. From dashboard into schedules, prescriptions, doctors, wallet and more.
Personalized Widgets - Users can personalize their widgets according to level of importance to them. Users appreciate widgets more for the personalization and productivity it provides.