The first Social Media Game app
What Wooo! was trying to accomplish, is the first app where everything you do in your everyday life, lets you level up in the game.
Below are all the major projects I worked on for Wooo!
Subscribe Page
The subscribe page lets the user pay to level up faster, and unlock all the functions in the app. That’s where users can participate in contests and win currency (Wooo! Coins)
I had to change the complete feel and look of the original subscribe page on the app, and the left is the final version!
Below are more versions, before the team decided on the final one.
Other Options
Here are the other options before the final was chosen, utilizing mostly the gradient feature that was prominent V1 of the app.
Congratulations Pop Up
In the app, there has to be a satisfying and rewarding pop up for users when they win a contest or level up. The original was simple with a confetti GIF.
On the left is the final decided on graphic for V1.2.
Below are more options before it was decided.
Wooo! Coin
The in app-currency that users would use to participate in contests, and if they win they would be rewarded with.
Coin Design Journey
First Version: I drew inspiration from game coins, aiming for something positive that would make the user feel rewarded.
Second Revision: After receiving feedback from other team members, it was suggested that the feel of the app should be more serious and sophisticated. In response, I experimented with different fonts and color options to achieve this.
Third Revision: The real challenge lies in maintaining a sophisticated tone while incorporating the playful Wooo! font, which has a cartoon-ish vibe.
Final Design!
This was the design everyone agreed on across the board.
It’s easy for the user to understand that it’s a form of currency, it still has the font for the app, and it’s appealing.
Pages below are where the coin was utilized!
My Level Page
On this page the user can view on much EXP each action on on Wooo! earns them. Users can also see if they need another fan or more EXP to reach the next level.
My version of a successful, appealing level page where the user gets more excited about their progress leveling. It easily conveys how much progress the user needs to get to the next level, and it’s also simpler than the previous design.
Sub Menu Option
Gives the user a choice to quickly choose a hashtag to participate in, instead of scrolling down to find it. This is also helpful since most contests have a time limit.
Below is the task flow for this specific project for the developers.
Task flow
Discover Page
Where a user can search and locate other users or posts with similar interests to them or depending on what they’re searching at the moment.
Below is the task flow for this specific project for the developers.
Task Flow
Helpful Tips
This was a going to be a helpful tutorial for first time users to help them navigate the app in quick and welcoming way.